Saturday, December 3, 2011

Our Daily Bread

I guess that as my return date is quickly nearing, I have been slacking more so on communicating with y’all, and I’m beginning to wonder if my blog will come to an end. While I still am unsure of what, where and when my place will be in the near future, I still have to make some decisions, like: should I take the plane ride home?...home? I don’t know where that is now, I’m torn. But Marin is out of the question, as it is still too costly without a significant salary. But after so many years in such a beautiful area, it’s heartbreaking, however if nothing else, this past year has helped me realize, I can be here too, my old, old friendships are very strong, caring and helpful.
This is not to say that “shit happens” here too; I know I’ve only given you good, fun stuff, that there is plenty of, but there have been bumps along the way, finding a place to park my bags was not fun, I wanted to jump back on the plane when I was less than a week in, and that happened at least two more times since. I gave up completely on developing any kind of friendship with my (ex)husband, when I realized he was not the person I once knew, and has yet cared to communicate with me.I’ve also had some physical problems, stomach flu in March, flu in July, and recently a swollen molar, which I have not yet had time to check on because till just last week I was immobilized with serious lower back pain, that the physical therapist informed me that was the psoas muscle, and was caused by my three day bike trip. Apparently, if you don’t usually ride your bike, you’re supposed to take it on gradually and not go 3 intense full days. 
To resume, unless something (a great job) changes, the plan is to come right back for another year and give my new idea a chance. With this in mind, I will leave Wilbur here, visit friends and Dr Cory, go spend a couple of weeks in Tahoe with Jordi, and a few days in Squamish with Mom. And make the decision whether or not to sell my Smart car.

Are you wondering what “my new idea” is? Some of you may already know; while driving back from Logrono, Jorge was talking about the Coop that he started a month ago, a food coop delivering a “green basket” to 20+ families, started with 11 families, and every week someone new adds on. Anyhow, he would like to include organic breads, but nobody in the area near him (Vallles Oriental) makes it. So he suggested I do it, and the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea.

So last Sunday morning, we drove up with a couple of people from his town, to a farm in the woods near Hostalrich, where our marvelous teacher, Adalu and her incredibly handy husband Santi taught us how to make bread, we made pizzas too with all kinds of organic toppings. And we took the breads home and they were more delicious, I guess because we made them.
I should be seeing Jorge tomorrow, in order to go to the “Ecologistas Convention”, I’m curious to see if it’s anything like the “Green Festival”. He told me he was going to buy some organic flour yesterday to start doing some samples on our own.
Meanwhile last night, I went with my girlfriends to see a surprise concert. It was a surprise cause none of us had seen this group or knew what they sounded like; and it was a treat, because the singer had a heavenly voice. The group is La Porta dels Somnis” ( the door of dreams).
Check them out...