Thursday, February 3, 2011

where to lay the egg? an old catalan saying, which some would say when speaking of my grandfather who would travel back and forth with the family, hoping for the right place.

Edward and Wilbur on the beach

riera between Calafell and Segur de Calafell
So, as I'm pondering where to (temporarily) land; I'm conflicted between the bucolic life outside of the city, which I have been used to for the past 24 years, and Wilbur would definitely prefer, as a friend of my mother offered me to stay in a duplex home that is near finish remodel for 500 euro/month, in the beach town of Calafell, one hour south of Barcelona, or another friend who offered her apartment in the beach town of Canet de Mar for the same amount, or should I be more practical and stay in the big city where I have more opportunities to find work?

Speaking of work, this morning I was up early for my first interview, I was referred to by Monica, it's to promote the free classes by social security for unemployed people. Sadly I was asked to return once I have my DNI (documento nacional de identidad), which hopefully I will have next week. Actually I had foreseen this, but I thought I should get my feet wet anyway, besides since it's a goverment thing, it can always lead to other better stuff...maybe?

Edward and Wilbur
Monica, Wilbur and me
Last Sunday then Edward and Monica picked me and Wilbur up to go to the town of Calafell to check it out. I had been there a few times 25 years ago, when Jordi was a baby, and the beaches down south, Costa Dorada, are known for taking babies, as the sand is fine and the water shallow, in contrast with the Costa Brava where the sand is rough and very deep waters. But just like everything else, it has changed too, more developed.


Anyway, the trip doubled up as a traditional outing to celebrate the beginning of spring onion season, where one town in this area is famous for "La Calcotada". Onions are barbecued or grilled, and dipped in Romescu sauce, and dropped into ones mouth from above. Bibs are very necessary. This dish usually comes with a plenty of others dishes too, usually a platter of a variety of barbecued meats, lamb, rabbit, chicken etc. 

ou esclafat
We decided to try another specialty of the house "ous esclafats" fried egg over house fries and truffle sprinkle, and you smash the egg by cutting it into small pieces in order to mix the flavor. It was delicious, despite my egg allergy. And the "escalibada" which some of you have already tried, are the roasted red bell peppers and eggplant, but in this case they had a round of warm goat cheese in the middle; and I'm telling you, this combo is sooo good.

carrer de la barca 6

After this meal, we went to see the "house" for rent, and for a stroll along the beach strand, where Wilbur enjoyed chasing seagulls and accidentally falling into water that was hiding below a sand dune.

What would you do?


  1. That's a tough call baby! I think ya gotta go where the work is, but the beach is a great pull - maybe you can get there for weekends?
    Whatever you do, you look happy and healthy, so it's all good! XO-Z

  2. tough call, no duh!
    I just want to give it a real chance, before I come crawling back with my tail between my legs. And I have to consider come back to what? I already know I have great friends and beautiful rolling hills, but I need to make a living too. However I'm also keeping my ears peeled for opportunities in the Bay Area.

  3. Hey there,
    What's going on....are you getting any????
