Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cheryl and Adelina

I know, I know, sorry for taking so long, I’ve been busy lately helping Edward cleaning and painting the old apartment, and my wifi access here has been limited, sometimes I go to the library, but I can’t skype there, because of the silence.
So I have a lot of backed up material, still haven’t finished with Jordi’s stuff when he was here, but I think I will show you a bit of Tossa de Mar “again”, because it is beautiful and also because it’s pretty recent, and a way to show the pictures to Adelina and Cheryl, who are already back home now,  Adelina in Squamish, BC and Cheryl in Manchester, UK.
So, ladies, as you can see by the title of this blog, this one is for you. A wee bit of history, these women met and became freinds when my mother lived in the Bahamas, mid 60’s to mid 70’s, actually Cheryl stayed there a few more years, and my mother would go visit around xmas time for a while. Later in the early 80’s they worked together again, as Cheryl helped start American Leisure, the tour operating business in San Francisco. By the time Adelina moved to San Francisco, Cheryl , originally from Minesota moved on to many new things, England, Phil and British Airways. The latter has given her the opportunity to travel around the world. So they usually meet up here every year and take short trips to diverse spanish towns, cities or nature.
Now in a previous blog I talked about the rivalry between Madrid and Barcelona when it comes to soccer, which is the most talked about subject of all, and for those of you who don’t follow, we eliminated Madrid, and the final of Champions League is next week against Manchester United. But many Manchester people may very well be wearing Barcelona T-shirts, as like Cheryl are big fans of Manchester City and absolutely hate Manchester United. So keep that in mind if you happen to be watching.
This time around they took a train to Peniscola, which is a lovely town, but I didn’t go.
After they got back, Victor took us all to Tossa de Mar again,  so Cheryl could visit the art gallery and the town. By the time we got there, visited the Gallery, chatted with Joan and had a coffee, it was already time for lunch. So we did that, and later went to walk around the castle.
Let the pictures speak for themselves, and let me point out how clear the water is in these parts. And this time Mrs Seagull had a new trainee with her.

One more tib bit before I go, as I think much of you dog lovers will appreciate, particularly those who have a problem with using toxicity in products such as Frontline or the other popular brand that I can’t think of right now; as I haven’t used anything since I got here.
So last night as I was petting Wilbur behind his ears, I found a huge icky tick, which I thought was just a bunch of matted fur. As I was getting up to find a tissue to pull it off, Edward said “no”, just apply a bit of olive oil and it will fall off. So, as ansie as I was to remove it, I followed his instructions, and this morning it was gone. Only problem, with these terrazzo floors, I have not been able to find it. But there you go, one more use for olive oil, and no risk of pain to the pooch.